Hey Friends & Family!
I can’t believe my time in South Africa is already coming to a close! It feels like we were landing in Johannesburg just yesterday! This season has been refining, but full of so much joy and laughter!
The slower pace of ministry has given me a lot of time to rest in the Lord and process things that I learned in Guatemala. Most days had slow mornings sipping mocha flavored instant coffee (I thought it was a good idea) and reading the Word gently gave way to making pancakes in the kitchen for my team or maybe even running the green rolling hills of the neighborhood. We made special to intercede in prayer for South Africa and the nations and lift up songs of praise. Around 11 we would head out to all different kinds of ministry- sharing testimonies retirement homes, visiting schools, and going door to door sharing the Gospel!
One of my favorite days of ministry we were visiting a retirement home for the second time and I was eager to see some of the women I had made friends with the week prior! I walked into the hall and greeted my friend, “Good morning Miss Sylvia! How are you?”
She replied, “Not well at all. My back hurts.” Three months prior to us coming Miss Sylvia, who just celebrated her 83rd birthday, injured her back moving her bed. Since the incident she had been struggling to sleep and unable to walk to church.
We continued to share testimonies with the ladies and some of them even testified of God’s miracles and faithfulness in their own lives. Towards the end Keanu, our ministry host, stood up and told everyone he felt like God wanted to do healing right then. I really wanted to see Miss Sylvia healed, but I knew she had to ask for prayer.
Just as I thought she wouldn’t ask, she raised her hand . I took her hand in mine and Abeni and I began to pray. As I prayed that she would receive her inheritance of healing, her hand began to tremble and I knew in my soul that the Spirit had begun to heal her body! After saying amen, she exclaimed that her back didn’t hurt anymore! She began to excitedly tell everyone in sight that her back did not hurt!
On fire with the healing I just witnessed, I boldly knocked on the door of a random apartment and proclaimed that God was doing healing in South Africa and that I wanted to tell them about! We were warmly welcomed into Melissa’s home (not her real name) and asked to pray for her father that had just recently suffered a stroke.
I was expecting God to do a miraculous healing and for the man to stand up and walk like the paralyzed man in the Bible. Although he wasn’t healed, Melissa invited us to pray over her kids and her financial situation. No one in the home was employed and she was struggling to make ends meet. She couldn’t get her kids enrolled in school without uniforms and a registration fee and she did not have money to pay. We prayed with faith that the Lord would provide and provide in abundance.
Two days later, we came to see how she and her father were doing. Her father was in the condition, but she joyfully announced her brother had just gotten a job and she received a temporary position!!! Plus, she was able to get the kids enrolled and started in school on time! Hallelujah!
In the beginning of South Africa, I prayed that I would see greater works than those done by Jesus on earth as John 14:12 promises. Since praying that over my life I have seen miracle after miracle and I expect to see so many more! Just this past week of ministry alone we witnessed 44 salvations! We led 39 middle schoolers, 2 high schoolers, 2 people we met in an apartment complex, an Uber driver, and the parent of a squad mate! It was amazing! We got to celebrate the powerful truth of the Gospel and its liberating power!
As I am running out of time, I only have time to just urge you to pray to see miracles and I promise you will see them because God’s character is consistent! Please pray as we head to Swazi this morning! My updates will be less frequent as I won’t have access to service or WiFi often! Lord bless you and keep you!
Grace & Peace,
Maggie Claire Richardson
Thank you for the update. I teach 3-4 S.S. Class and our lesson for today was when Lazarus was brought back to life by Jesus. We talked about that we don’t see miracles like this anymore. I am assured that you are doing a great work and if you have the faith of a mustard seed you will see results. The people have seen results by the visits, witness and prayer you are giving.
Continued journeys,
Donna Beverly
Wow!!! God is really working and moving! I love the reminder that we should pray big prayers. It’s so important to bring all of our requests to Him, even those that require a miracle from Him. I’m so proud of all that you and your team are doing! Stay safe and enjoy every minute of this incredible opportunity.
Sending lots of love your way!!
Leigh Barwick