Maggie Claire Richardson

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As I continue to prepare for World Race there has been an abundance of truth that God has pressed into my heart to prepare me not just for the year to come but the 240-something days of waiting for my departure. The encouragement and support I have received from my community has been unreal. There has been so much joy and excitement in the waiting and wondering of what all God is going to do because I know my God can accomplish “above and beyond whatever I could ask, think, or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

December has been a season of intense anticipation. I was counting the days til the end of my first semester as a senior which meant the end of high school exams and the beginning of a much-needed Christmas break. I was enveloped in the joy of the Christmas season. Throughout the celebration of Advent, I was inspired by the beautiful story of the Israelites’ faithfulness and their belief in their promise that a savior would be born. I could feel the anticipation as I studied the book of Isaiah, seeing again and again AND again God’s promise of a savior and king. As I read I had the tool of hindsight, I know that my Redeemer was born and still lives, but my heart was also stirred to anticipate His return.

It is a beautiful thing to wait and I am content, but I will not be satisfied. I desire to see God move and I desire to grow closer in my relationship with Him. I live not only in anticipation but in active participation in the work of God’s Kingdom. My heart cry has been “On heaven as it is on earth” meaning that just as His will is done without boundary in heaven so will it be done in my life. I thank God for this opportunity and I cannot wait to see how he moves in the New Year!


Thanks to each of you for your support I have reached 11% of my fundraising goal of $17,000! That is amazing and I am so grateful for your financial and spiritual support! Additionally, I received some of the gear I will need for World Race such as packing cubes for my hiking backpack and a camera to capture all the fun memories! I look forward to using the pictures taken to show you guys the world as I see it in my blogs along my journey!

Prayer Requests

I continue to ask those of you following along on my journey to pray that God will provide for my trip financially and that He will move in my life and the lives of my peers on this journey. Additionally, I pray for soft hearts and open hands for the people of Guatemala, South Africa, Eswatini, and Indonesia. I ask that you pray for God to move right here in our community as D-Now (a church retreat for middle school and high school students) happens January 12-14th. Finally, thank Him for how faithful He has been and continues to be and for the birth of Baby Jesus!


Thank you so much for following along! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


Maggie Claire Richardson