Hello Friends and Family! I am so excited to welcome you to my new blog page! I invite you to follow along and subscribe as I document my World Race journey! Monthly, I will share what God is doing to prepare me for the coming year and, eventually, what amazing things He will do while I am on a mission!
I would love to provide some further insight into what World Race is and why I’ve decided to participate!
What is World Race?
The World Race is a missions program where I will have the opportunity to serve 9 months in 4 different countries: Guatemala, South Africa, Eswatini, and Indonesia. The goal is to discover a deeper sense of God’s calling in my life as I serve alongside fellow believers around the world! Something so special about World Race is that beyond service and spiritual development, I will have the opportunity to build skills like communication, accounting, campaigning, labor, and perseverance. This gap year is the perfect opportunity for me to make a difference as a young adult and explore the world before I enter college. I will ship out in August and return in late May!
What will you be doing?
I will spend the first two months in leadership training in Gainesville, Georgia before I leave for the field. While in Gainesville, we will participate in team-building exercises, sermons, worship, and a whole lot of fun! I’m not a hundred percent sure of what we are exactly doing, but I know that each country has certain areas of need. For example, Guatemala will be partnered with organizations that work to evangelize homes, provide the needs of the poor, and serve the Guatemalan youth inside and outside of school walls via soccer ministry. Wherever I go the purpose will be the same: to share the hope of Jesus and meet the tangible needs of their communities.
Why World Race?
I believe that as humans we are designed for two things: 1) to love God and 2) love His people! To me, there is no better way to integrate my passion for people and service with a desire to travel than a mission trip that will take me around the world! I had been praying as I entered this season of my life that God would make it evident what my next step would be and I took the leap and applied! I prayed during my time of waiting that if it was God’s will for my life that World Race accept me, so when I received the call I did not hesitate to commit to World Race!
How can you support me?
My number one need is your prayer! Prayers that God will provide for my fundraising endeavour, for spiritual and physical preparation, and to thank God for this amazing experience! Secondly, my financial need is $17,000 dollars to pay for travel and gear, international health insurance, and other living costs. For those who would love to be a part of world missions, but cannot travel, this is your opportunity to support world outreach!
If it is on your heart to support me financially, the link to my funding page is attached to the bottom of the post! Anything you can give, prayers or funds, will be greatly appreciated!
Lots of Love,
Maggie Claire Richardson